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While filming a chase scene on Lake Street, the Chicago Police Department received several calls from concerned citizens stating that the police were involved in a vehicle pursuit with a dark vehicle of unknown make or model.



The Batman theme is heard only twice in this movie, as composers Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard decided that a heroic theme that a viewer could hum would overlook the complexity and darkness of the character. Hearing the tune only twice would create what Zimmer calls "a musical foreshadowing".

Aaron Eckhart described his portrayal of Harvey Dent as simultaneously coming from, and being apart from, the same world as Batman (Dent is the white knight of Gotham, as opposed to the Dark Knight). His challenge was "looking for the similarities and the tension between the two; to find what's similar to Batman, and then what's opposite to him." Eckhart prepared for his role by studying split personalities.

The lenses that cover Batman's eyes during the hostage rescue scene give him a look that's close to the comic and animated adaptations, where Batman's eyes are often visible in the dark, while the rest of his body is blackened out.

In addition to the Lamborghini being a "bat"mobile, its color scheme is an homage to Batman. The wheels are black, the color is dark grey, and the brake calipers are vibrant yellow. In the animated series and some comic versions, the cowl and cape are black, the suit is dark grey, and the oval around the bat symbol and his utility belt are yellow.

In the screenplay for the movie, the Chechen, upon his arrival, explains that he brought his rottweilers for the meet with Scarecrow specifically because he knew Batman would likely come, and also knew that the Rottweiler's powerful sense of smell can allow them to sense human meat even in complete darkness, thus acting as a deterrent against Batman's use of darkness to cow the criminal element. This explanation was ultimately cut from the film, although it was nonetheless implied.

In an interview, the original TV Batman, Adam West, commented on the The Dark Knight Trilogy as well as the other more recent, darker iterations of the character: " West spoke candidly about modern versions of The Caped Crusader, calling for more humour and less angst. "The new movies, Batman is very full of vengeance and deep-seated angst and so on," West told a roundtable of journalists at New York Comic-Con while promoting the animated movie "Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders," via Den of Geek. "They're very dark." He added: "Enough violence. Let the costume work for you. And put a little humour into it. I think it's about time to relieve that all of that kind of attitude of vengeance and 'I can't take it anymore, I'm going home and I'm going to suck my thumb.'"'

How the ballerina holds a piece of white paper over Harvey Dent's eyes, suggesting he could be Batman. The point being: Harvey is Gotham's white knight, with a white mask, at that point, while Batman's is unremittingly dark. Also, remember Dent's speech before he 'reveals' himself to be the Batman, where he says, "The night is always darkest just before the dawn." 'The Dark Knight' can also be interpreted as 'The Dark Night', the dark night being the reign of terror on Gotham being perpetrated by the Joker.

Rachel's and Harvey's fates are foreshadowed by the lighting of the rooms in which they are tied up. Rachel is in darkness, hinting at her approaching death, while Harvey is in a well-lit room, indicating that he will live. Furthermore, the left side of Harvey's face is darkened, just seconds before that side is burned off as he transforms into Two-Face.

The Dark Knights are a team of "warriors of the darkness" assembled by The Batman Who Laughs for Barbatos. These warriors are evil and twisted versions of Batman from the Dark Multiverse who were willing to fight to keep their worlds alive.

The Batman Who Laughs told everyone that the Dark Knights' ultimate goal was to unleash the horrors of all -51 Earths from the Dark Multiverse and completely destroy the Positive Multiverse. After being defeated by the Dark Knights, the League was going to be added to the tuning fork, until Cyborg partially merged with his Mother Box and freed himself, Raven and the League. Barbatos worried that Cyborg is a wildcard, but the Batman Who Laughs assured his master that everything was still going to plan as the Justice League were unknowingly spreading his darkness across the galaxy.

The next time the Knights were seen, they split up to intercept the heroes searching for traces of Nth Metal. Despite resistance on their, the groups were captured, the exception being Wonder Woman, who the Batman Who Laughs spared so she could struggle in vain against the darkness.

The Knights were next gathered when they were hunting the team Cyborg took with him into The Bleed. Using a corrupted Carrier, they tracked down their ship, the Ultima Thule, and chased them. Though they failed to shoot down the Thule, they were able to damage it enough to allow a team to storm it. While Drowned, Dawnbreaker, and Murder Machine fought the heroes, the rest hung back to control the Carrier. However, the heroes repelled the Knights long enough for Flash to sabotage the Carrier's engine, which accidentally turned the Red Death good. The group reunited on the damaged carrier as Red Death's conversion began killing him. Laughs then revealed that their goal wasn't to shoot down the Thule: It was to charge it with dark energy and force it to crash into the House of Heroes, which it does. The Knights stayed until right before the Thule crashes, then leave.

With most of the resistance to Barbatos captured and his dark army on the move, the Knights saw to the captured heroes. However, Wonder Woman and Kendra Saunders managed to wake some of the captured heroes up, allowing Wonder Woman to reach the World Forge. When the forge lit up again, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman managed to harness Element X, and empowered some of the other Leaguers with the metal. With the power of the Tenth Metal, the League destroyed the Dark Knights, pulled the world out of the Dark Multiverse, and defeated Barbatos.[4] The only Knight who managed to avoid destruction was the Batman Who Laughs, who was captured by Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom.

Parents need to know that although The Dark Knight is an excellent movie, this sequel to Batman Begins is also much darker and more violent than the first one. Remember: Not all Batmen are created equal. Even though this movie is about a comic-book character, neither it nor its flawed hero and villain are aimed at younger kids or appropriate for them. The film is loaded with intense action, from bombs and bullets to martial-arts fighting and hand-to-hand combat. In addition to the hard-hitting action, expect some drinking and a bit of sexuality. And The Joker's nightmarish appearance has the potential to frighten viewers of all ages. Much of the movie's buzz surrounds actor Heath Ledger's excellent work in that villainous role -- his final completed part before his January 2008 death from an accidental drug overdose.

While much ink has been spilled about the Bush administration's "dark side" tactics in the post-9/11 world, there still remains the elephant in the room; and that is the Bush administration's role in the incidents that ushered in this new world. For instance, it is now well documented that the U.S. government received warnings about imminent domestic attacks from at least 14 foreign governments during the summer of 2001, some of which were detailed and indicated the use of hijacked airplanes as weapons. During the G8 Summit in Italy that summer, Bush stayed on an aircraft carrier offshore rather than in a hotel because of the many warnings about an al-Qaeda plot to use airplanes as flying bombs to kill the G8 leaders (see Paul Thompson's "The Terror Timeline."). Bush and co. were clearly lying, then, when they said that no one in this administration could have imagined that terrorists would hijack airplanes and use them as missiles. And, clearly, the 9/11 Commission completed the cover-up when it concluded that a failure of imagination prevented the intelligence community from stopping the attacks.So a question that's even more disturbing than those raised by the Dark Knight is: Having been given all these warnings about an imminent terrorist attack involving hijacked airplanes, why didn't anyone in this administration call the Port Authority after the first plane hit the WTC and order an evacuation? Why did Bush continue to talk about a pet goat in a Florida classroom when he learned of the events unfolding in Manhattan? Why didn't anyone respond adequately to the crisis?How could 19 hijackers with box-cutters circumvent the most sophisticated air defense system in the world? What happened to U.S. air defenses that morning? How could the Pentagon, arguably the most heavily guarded building on the planet, be caught off guard nearly an hour after flight 11 struck the WTC? Why weren't U.S. fighter jets scrambled in time to intercept or shoot down any of the errant planes? These are all disturbing questions that the fraudulent 9/11 Commission failed to answer. They ought to raise serious political issues concerning foreknowledge of 9/11 and the complicity of those who knew and facilitated these attacks(e.g., inducing the failure of U.S. air defenses) or those who knew and simply did nothing to stop them. 041b061a72


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